When AO and I were having our stay-local day on Sunday, we did extensive postcard shopping, then had lunch overlooking the harbor. There was a mystery military ship moored over close to the Coast Guard Station, Cape Island. The water taxi, Sealth Arrow, was flitting back and forth to it. I whipped out the iPad to look for clues on the shiptracker sites, and Cape Island didn't appear anywhere, meaning its AIS transmitter wasn't on. The next day, Peninsula Daily News explained all, with a good picture. I was going to flit down to the harbor Monday afternoon to get a photo of my own, but she had already sailed out into the ocean again.
Our stay-local stops included the postcard hunt in the native arts gallery at the Jamestown S'Klallam tribal center east of Sequim,

and elsewhere; that lunch by the harbor; our blissed-out hours at Salt Creek County Park; a peek inside the Lower Elwha casino because she was curious about it; and Ediz Hook.
I forgot to mention in previous post that there were black oystercatchers at Salt Creek, as there often are. Yesterday Barb Blackie stopped in at the library, and last night I was thinking I should have asked her why the oystercatchers are so site-loyal to Salt Creek Park and the rocks at Tongue Point... duh... the question is the answer. Major continuous feast opportunity— world-class tidepools, for heaven's sake— why would they ever need to leave the neighborhood??
My pix of the birds did not turn out. For splendid oystercatcher visuals, try Kirsten Chursinoff's photos and fabric art. Majorly want to buy one of these. I've written to her to see if either fabric piece is still available. Have never purchased a piece of art before.
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