Friday, August 22, 2008

Journey News

In Tucson with mom. Flight had some magic: Crater Lake for the first time. A mystery mountain south and east of it (Mt. McLaughlin, perhaps). Fine close view of Mt. Shasta, and Castle Crags, then in the distance Lassen.

It's a hundred degrees here.

This time the rental car is a Chevy Malibu. The rental car lottery looms large as part of the Tucson experience. Can the old ladies get in and out of whatever car they assign me? "Does it have 4 doors?" I asked. (One time they tried to give me a 2-door Mustang as a mid-sized car to fill up with old ladies. And often they 'upgrade' me to some big honking object no other customers want to drive and that the old ladies can't climb up into.) "Car of the year," said the young chickie at the rental desk. I liked it right away. Well, the Ur-car in my life was my mom's green and white '54 Chevy: drove it, sped it, fantasized in it. 2008 grey Malibu feels just the same.

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