Thursday, January 27, 2011


Foggy morning here at Glimpse-of-the-Salt. No glimpse of pretty much anything whatever at the moment.

January 27. Gray day in the alley. (Click for larger image.)
January 27. Resolved: don't call it 'the vacant lot'. It ain't vacant. (Click for larger image.)

Found this wonderful website. Sea Stars of the Pacific Northwest. The bright colors are especially, um, special in a world mostly gray this morning. Was led there by Echinoblog, which I arrived at in pursuit of a movie of the scallop escape reflex, and this you have to see to believe...

Gray here now, gray on the beach this weekend. Tried to make a film of the contrast between everything else on a rainy/foggy day and the color of fresh red alder logs, but the difference is so great it overwhelmed the camera's automatic settings. Well, not so inaccurate really. It pops, and this is how the camera responds to that pop:

January 23rd, Gray Day at Rialto Beach, Red Alder Log

1 comment:

Miriam Sagan said...

Thanks for sharing some grey!