One last hike with M., who is moving away. She wanted to go up the mountain. We went on the Hurricane Hill trail. Saw some deer, saw a marmot. (Saw a warning sign about cougars on the same sign post where two months ago was the warning sign about mountain goats.)

We joked about the cougar warning all day. He'd come eat us, the grouse, the marmots, that lone hiker over there. He already came and ate all the goats.

Stopped at the end of the Visitor Center parking lot on our way out, and sat on the wall for a long time, because once we left we'd be gone. Watched a family of grouse.

At dusk I looked out the window and saw I had mostly missed a sunset. Later there was a thunderstorm in the dark. It's really not fair: dark already at 8 o'clock...

great shots.
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