Saturday, June 12, 2010

In the Nearby Forest

There's a houseguest coming who wants to walk in the woods, and doesn't care about ocean (how is this possible?), so I've been scouting. I got stuck at the tribal library until about 3:30 PM on Friday, but that left like 6 more hours of daylight in the day. So I held to my plan to head west and walk on the Barnes Creek Trail, about a half hour west of home. Just as the trail book promises, all the tourists turned aside to go up to Marymere Falls, and I had the trail to myself beyond.

Lowland forest, Barnes Creek Trail, June 11, 2010 (Click for larger image.)

There were lots of forest wildflowers open. Mostly white, and mostly with unfamiliar Latin names and undistinguished or peculiar English names. Hello, youth-on-age. Hello, western false bugbane. Hello, trefoil foamflower and beadruby. Whoever you all may be. It seemed at the moment important to know what the trees, the ferns, the flowers were. I carried two books in my hand, and scribbled a list on an old envelope.

Lady fern unfurling (Click for larger image.)
Maianthemum dilatatum (Click for larger image.)

Towards the end, there was sunshine light.

1 comment:

robin andrea said...

That looks like a great walk in the forest. So green and beautiful.