Saturday, March 06, 2010

A Day Full of Answers

On Second Beach, Saturday. Can you walk out to Crying Lady Rock when the tide is low? Not when the low is around a zero (0.8 feet yesterday). Will have to try again with the big daytime minus tides of summer.

But the waves come ashore in their flat-sandy-beach way, a half-inch tall and gentle to the max. It feels like you could walk outward forever.

The logjam wasn't so scary and humiliating this time; without a companion hovering over me solicitously, I just merrily crawled and slid my way across.

There were eagles. You could hear them calling, see them sitting around on skylines.

The Small Arch in Quateata, north end of Second Beach. Note the eagle... (Click for larger image.)

Oooh, look, Washington Coastal Geology between the Hoh and Quillayute Rivers is online. Thank you, Washington DNR.


robin andrea said...

I don't think it gets more beautiful than this. Breathtaking.

mb said...

Ah, thanks. This was such a day. I smiled all the way home.