Saturday, January 09, 2010

Long Slow Party

Pursuant to my geographically and calendrically spread-out revel in connecting with the people I left behind when I moved to the Northwest Corner (November at Crestone Mountain Zen Center, next month San Francisco), I'm in Santa Fe for a long weekend. Breakfast lunch and dinner dates, and this afternoon an 'at home' at M&R's house where I might see a dozen people at once; I went to Party City and, the selection of party lights being unappealing, got a packet of Mardi Gras beads to festivize the occasion...

"How does it feel to be back in Santa Fe?" asked a chance-met acquaintance I bumped into while doing retail therapy on Cordova Road. Answer: very familiar, and it has nothing to do with me anymore. I'm here for the people, and entirely disconnected from the place.

Internet access is iffy at M&R's house. There may not be pictures.

As to the notion in the title of this post, that's PW's voice in my head. The practice period he was shuso at Tassajara Zen Mountain Center he said in a lecture, "Sesshin is a long slow party."

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