Out to Rialto Beach on another ridiculously nice winter day. It's been so cold since it snowed on Saturday that there was still snow on the ground everywhere, even by the ocean; but only the last bit of road under the deep forest inside the Park boundary was seriously icy. There were no other cars, so it was possible to just creep safely along.

It was warm in the sun, mild, perfectly beautiful. The ocean was almost flat. Tide was coming in, but you could hardly tell; the tiny swells wandered gently in. I read a book and listened to them sloshing. Later I sat in the parking lot and ate lunch. You can't even see the ocean from there, just hear it. But I could still see it in my mind, soft and blue. Such a feeling of contentment bubbled up.

I drove around to the La Push side of the river, to see how the road was and because I didn't want to leave. It was just the same: soft air, calm blue ocean. Came home along the familiar highway, all floaty and happy; that's when I got the elk pictures.

Isn't it amazing. I get to live here.
1 comment:
such beautiful photos. love the elks - always get get such a thrill when we run across them.
so now you are expecting a blizzard? heard the peninsula is under a blizzard warning...so are the cascades. we are in the middle of both, blizzards on both sides. we will be just fine, thank you, without anyone's blizzard coming our way! just high winds and snow. we probably have 8 or more inches now and are still having snowfalls off and on. beautiful, but i would like to be out christmasing - finding gorgeous light displays, having delicious seafood in some fancy restaurant that is all dressed up for the holidays, watching the christmas ships on lake washington, and seeing a few of the holiday movies. we are ready to get outside.
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