Monday, August 11, 2008

Ocean Appreciation

Next morning we were out to the beach at Rialto. Notwithstanding the sign which warns hikers that this is a Wild Coast, there were hundreds of people coming and going, locals and tourists, kites and backpackers and tiny babies and all. We parked S.'s wheelchair at the end of the accessible walkway, hobbled down through the drift, settled her in a lawn chair on the sand. Stayed for hours.

The usual waves in the usual place

Later moved the lawn chair up, so she could work on restoring and extending a cobblehenge that previous beachgoers had left on the last log before the strand. Better pictures here are still locked up in her camera.

1 comment:

bookinista said...

I, who never leave my dark little house except to fetch the mail, feel like I'm right there with you. I am inspired to build a little henge myself out the back door.