Sunday, August 01, 2010

The One Same Beach

Rialto on Saturday. There were so many people I could barely find a place to put the car. Fewer people once I traipsed north away from the parking lot. It must be summer at a drive-to beach in a National Park. :-) At mid-day, the tide was coming back in; there was a small parade of through-hikers heading south, having taken their last chance for the day to round the low-tide-only points in their day's itinerary; their permits and bearproof canisters dangling from their packs. I asked one couple how far they'd come. 42 miles, they said, they started at Shi Shi last Sunday.

Rialto Beach, Mid-Day. (Click for larger image.)

Gulls overhead and flying by, and a maybe grebe out in the water. Not too much else except the fizzy sound of high tide soaking through the pebble beds. I read a lot. I was happy.

There kept being blue holes in the sky, then clouds closing in again. (Click for larger image.)

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