Thursday, March 18, 2010

Reading News

Spent the past few days reading The Lacuna, Barbara Kingsolver, wondering at my ignorance of history, which is surely one of the lacunae she means to point out. At one point put extra quarters in the dryers at the laundromat so I could keep reading instead of folding clothes.

Also spent the past few days trying to fix my desktop PC, age 8 years and may be at the end...

Also spent the past few days dreading/strategizing visit to four generations of family next week. I am a solitary person (and hate travel). Don't quite believe I even have four generations of family, mother sister niece greatniece. Aiiii.

Frost Melting, March 18, 2010 (Click for larger image.)


Sky said...

good luck with the pc. might be time to invest in a new, jazzy laptop? good deals all around if you watch carefully.

robin andrea said...

I agree with Sky, might be time to get a new laptop.

Hope the travel works out. I understand the trepidation, I tend to be a solitary person who hates travel as well.