Thursday, March 12, 2009

A Week in the Life (Updates, Various)

Left out of Friday's beach-day account: eagles, lots of eagles. Hearing eagles, seeing eagles. At one point three of them flew by, one calling out determinedly. M. says because it is nesting season.

Saturday I read all day, while a sequence of mini-blizzards passed by (M. was snowed in again until yesterday). I had somehow ended up with too many library books coming in for me all at the same time, first time in my entire reading life that I was overwhelmed. Have spent the week winnowing, postponing, and reading reading reading.

Also spent much time this week following various librarianly types on twitter, and thinking hard about my (non-existent) professional web presence. It's because my workplace wasn't mine to tell about that this journal-of-a-sort has devolved to all-beachbunny-all-the-time. But I've decided that what I am doing at the tribe several mornings a week is work even if I'm mostly not being paid any more, and I need to figure out some way to account for the part of my life that is not about the water. Perhaps not here...

Sunday, between snow flurries,

Looking Across Freshwater Bay, March 8. (Click for larger image.)
I went out to the mouth of the Elwha, but not until after the surf had begun to subside. It's all springy in the woods there, willow catkins and shrubs leafing out and flowers on the bushes. A lot more shells than usual. Sat on a log, watched the waves and the surfers. P.S. No, for heaven's sake, I'm decades past learning to surf. No balance left, and besides, it would take the world's largest wetsuit...

Looking Towards East Shore of River, Exactly at the Strait March 8. (Click for larger image.)

Tuesday the sunrise was especially seductive. The sun has moved well north of the vacant lot, and is shifting fast towards the spot where it rises on the equinoxes.

Sunrise, March 10. (Click for larger image.)

Wednesday was a perfect blue afternoon and there were a lot of b-i-i-g ships moving around. A Polar tanker dropped its pilot and moved on out of the Strait. A second Polar tanker came into the harbor, passing much closer to the inner shore of Ediz Hook than usual,

but by then I had discovered that my camera has died for still photos, though it continues to be ok for movies. This distracted me utterly. I couldn't even see the world, strange gorgeous big shipping passing by, etc etc. Could only twitch, and think, obsessively, "Camera. Must. have. camera."

Weather remains cloudless and gorgeous. Thick frost on the cars this morning.

Hurricane Ridge Web Cam, March 12. (Click for larger image.)


Sky said...

your photos of hurricane ridge make me want to see it again NOW.
good luck with the camera shopping!

mb said...

that's not my doing, it's the Park's webcam. But I'll take all the good wishes available for the shopping question. Truly. Hate. Choosing.

I think my plan is to spend so little that if I make a bad choice I can just cheerfully ignore the money spent and try again.