Friday, February 13, 2009

Sea Voyage to Another Country

Went to Victoria on the ferry yesterday, hung around with W. for a few hours, ferried home again. I quite love going on a sea voyage to another country and having it be so easy :-) Nearly forgot to bring my passport; it does seem ridiculous to need a passport to go someplace I can see out my window.

Coho was all shiny clean in her fresh paint. Little Coast Guard boats escorted us to the international line (the purser said they do that on random occasions. Homeland security practice.) Heavy remodeling work was still going on at the ferry dock on the Victoria side.

Port Angeles Harbor. Striped Peak in background. Paper mill. One of the Polar tankers. Smaller Coast Guard escort. (Click for larger image.)
Gull setting to work on Coho's fresh paintwork. Victoria harbor. (Click for larger image.)

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